Az MTA A és B kategóriás külföldi folyóiratai

Az MTA A és B kategóriás külföldi folyóiratai

Az MTA A és B kategóriás külföldi folyóiratai

A kategóriás nemzetközi folyóiratok

Accident Analysis and Prevention
Administration and Society
Administrative Science Quarterly
Administrative Theory And Praxis
Adoption and Fostering
Adoption Quarterly
American Journal of Comparative Law
American Journal of Criminal Justice
American Journal of International Law
American Law And Economics Review
American Review of Public Administration
Annuaire Francais de droit international
Annual Review of Criminology
Archiv für die civilistische Praxis
Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie
Area Development and Policy
Artificial Intelligence and Law
Asian Journal of Criminology
Austrian Review of International And European Law
Behavioral Sciences and the Law
British Journal of Criminology
Bulletin for International Taxation
Business and Human Rights Journal
California Law Review
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
Canadian Journal of Criminology And Criminal Justice
Child Abuse Review
Chinese Journal of International Law
Columbia Law Review
Common Market Law Review
Comparative Labor Law And Policy Journal
Comparative Legal History
Comparative Migration Studies
Computer Law & Security Review
Computers and Security
Computer Standards & Interfaces
Conflict Resolution Quarterly
Contemporary Drug Problems
Crime & Delinquency
Crime Law and Social Change
Crime Media Culture
Crime Psychology Review
Crime Science
Criminal Justice and Behavior
Criminal Justice Policy Review
Criminal Justice Review
Criminal Justice Studies: a Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society
Criminal Law and Philosophy
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Criminology & Public Policy
Critical Criminology
Critical Military Studies
Der Staat: Zeitschrift für Staatslehre und Verfassungsgeschichte
Deviant Behavior: an Interdisciplinary Journal
Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review
Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways Toward Terrorism and Genocide
Educational Administration Quarterly
Election Law Journal
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
European Business Organization Law Review
European Constitutional Law Review
European Journal of Criminology
European Journal of International Law
European Journal of International Relations
European Journal of Law And Economics
European Journal of Political Research
European Journal of Psychology Applied To Legal Context
European Journal on Criminal Policy And Research
European Law Review
European Political Science
European Political Science Review
European Review of Contract Law (Ercl)
Feminist Criminology
Food and Drug Law Journal
Forensic Chemistry
Forensic Science International
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation
Forensic Science International: Synergy
Georgetown Law Journal
German Law Journal
Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht
Global Crime
Global Policy
Governance: an International Journal Of Policy And Administration
Government and Opposition
Government Information Quarterly
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
Harvard Law Review
Health and Justice
Higher Education
Homicide Studies
Howard Journal of Crime and Justice
Human Rights Law Review
Ieee Communications Standards Magazine
Ieee Security & Privacy
Iic International Review Of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
Industrial Law Journal
Information Technology for Development
International & Comparative Law Quarterly
International Data Privacy Law
International Environmental Agreements - Politics Law and Economics
International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy
International Journal for The Semiotics of Law-Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique
International Journal of Communication
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law & Industrial Relations
International Journal of Constitutional Law
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
International Journal of Law and Information Technology
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
International Journal of Marine And Coastal Law
International Journal of Police Science And Management
International Journal of Public Administration
International Journal of Transitional Justice
International Organization
International Public Management Journal
International Review of Administrative Sciences
International Review of Law And Economics
International Review of Victimology
International Security
International Theory
Internet Research
Ius et Praxis (Chile)
Journal of Air Transport Management
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Comparative Law
Journal of Competition Law And Economics
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
Journal of Crime And Justice
Journal of Criminal Justice
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology
Journal of Criminology
Journal of Cybersecurity
Journal of Developmental And Life-Course Criminology
Journal of Disability Policy Studies
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage
Journal of Educational Administration
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
Journal of Energy And Natural Resources Law
Journal of Entrepreneurship In Emerging Economies
Journal of Environmental Law
Journal of Ethnicity In Criminal Justice
Journal of European Public Policy
Journal of Experimental Criminology
Journal of Family Violence
Journal of Forensic And Legal Medicine
Journal of Forensic Nursing
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
Journal of Human Trafficking
Journal of Information Technology and Politics
Journal of International Dispute Settlement
Journal of International Economic Law
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Journal of Law And Courts
Journal of Law And The Biosciences
Journal of Law & Economics
Journal of Law Economics & Organization
Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction
Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law
Journal of Legal Studies
Journal of Legislative Studies
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Journal of Public Policy
Journal of Public Relations Research
Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Journal of Social Policy
Journal of Urban Management
Journal of World Energy Law & Business
Journal of World Intellectual Property
Journal of World Trade
Journal on European History of Law
Justice Quarterly
Justice System Journal
Land Use Policy
Law and Human Behavior
Law and Policy
Law and Social Inquiry-Journal of the American Bar Foundation
Law, Innovation and Technology
Law & Society Review
Leadership Quarterly
Legal Theory
Leiden Journal Of International Law
Lex Localis: Journal of Local Self-Government
Local Government Studies
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
Medical Law Review
Modern Law Review
New York University Journal of International Law and Politics
Nordic Journal of Criminology
Offentliche Verwaltung: Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht und Verwaltungswissenschaft
Parliamentary Affairs
Polar-Political and Legal Anthropology Review
Police Practice and Research
Police Quarterly
Policing - a Journal of Policy and Practice
Policing - an International Journal of Police Strategies & Management
Policing & Society
Policy and Internet
Policy and Politics
Policy and Society
Policy Design and Practice
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Policy Sciences
Policy Studies Journal
Politica Criminal
Political Studies
Prison Journal
Probation Journal: the Journal of Community and Criminal Justice
Psychological Injury and Law
Psychology Crime & Law
Psychology Public Policy and Law
Public Administration
Public Administration Review
Public Integrity
Public Management Review
Public Performance & Management Review
Public Personnel Management
Punishment & Society-International Journal of Penology
Rabels Zeitschrift für auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht
Race and Justice
Ratio Juris: an International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy Of Law
Regional Studies Regional Science
Regulation and Governance
Research & Politics
Resources Policy
Responsabilité Civile et Assurances
Review of Central and East European Law
Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law
Review of Public Personnel Administration
Revista Chilena de Derecho
Revista de Pensamiento Estratégico y Seguridad Cisde
Revue Critique de Droit International Privé
Revue de L'arbitrage
Revue Droit et Societe
Revue Generale de Droit International Public: Droit Des Gens, Histoire Diplomatique, Droit Penal, Droit Fiscal, Droit Administratif
Revue Historique de Droit Francais et Etranger
Revue Internationale de Droit Comparé
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Commercial et de Économique
Risk, Hazards and Crisis In Public Policy
Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Comune
Santander Art and Culture Law Review
Social Justice Research
Social & Legal Studies
Social Policy and Administration
Social Science Computer Review
Stanford Law Review
Telematics and Informatics
The Journal of World Investment And Trade
Theoretical Criminology
Theoretical Inquiries in Law
Theory and Practice of Legislation
Tijdschrift Voor Rechtsgeschiedenis-Revue D Histoire Du Droit - The Legal History Review
Transnational Environmental Law
Transport Policy
Trends in Organized Crime
University of Chicago Law Review
University of Pennsylvania Law Review
Utilities Policy
Valori e Valutazioni
Vermont Journal of Environmental Law
Victims and Offenders
Violence Against Women
Violence And Victims
Virginia Law Review
West European Politics
Wisconsin International Law Journal
Womens Studies International Forum
World Tax Journal
World Trade Review
Yale Law Journal
Yearbook Of European Law
Youth Justice
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice
Zeitschrift Der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische Abteilung
Zeitschrift Der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Kanonistische Abteilung
Zeitschrift Der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung
Zeitschrift für Ausländisches und Internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
Zeitschrift für Europaisches Privatrecht
Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte
Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie
Zeitschrift für Auslandisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht
Zeitschrift für Das Gesamte Familienrecht
Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft


B kategóriás nemzetközi folyóiratok

Accounting, Economics, and Law: a Convivium
Administrative Law Review
Afp: Zeitschrift für Medien und Kommunikationsrecht
African Security Review
Agrar- und Umweltrecht
Ahuri Final Report
Air and Space Law
Ajil Unbound
American Business Law Journal
American Journal of Jurisprudence
American Journal of Legal History
Antitrust Bulletin
Anuario de Psicologia Juridica
Anuario Iberoamericano de Justicia Constitucional
Arbitration International
Archives de Philosophie du Droit
Archivio Giuridico Filippo Serafini
Arctic Review on Law and Politics
Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies
Asian Affairs
Asian Journal of International Law
Asian Journal of Law And Society
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration
Australian Journal of Human Rights
Australian Journal of Public Administration
Beitrage zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs
Boston University Law Review
Brics Law Journal
Bullettino Dell' Istituto Di Diritto Romano
Cahiers Poitevins D'histoire du Droit
Cambridge International Law Journal
Canadian Public Policy - Analyse de Politiques
Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire Canadien de droit international
Capital Markets Law Journal
Časopis pro právni vedu a praxi
Central European Journal of Public Policy
Chinese Journal of Comparative Law
Climate Law
Columbia Journal of European Law
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
Computer Fraud & Security
Constitutional Political Economy
Contemporary Economic Policy
Contemporary Justice Review
Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice
Cornell Law Review
Crime Prevention and Community Safety
Criminal Justice Ethics
Critical Policy Studies
Croatian Yearbook of European Law And Policy
Cultures & Conflits
Current Issues in Criminal Justice
Deutsche Richterzeitung (Driz)
Disaster Prevention And Management
Duke Law Journal
EC Tax Review
Education Inquiry
Egyptian Journal Of Forensic Sciences
Era Forum
Estudios Constitucionales
Europaische Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht
Europaische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EUZW)
European Business Law Review
European Company and Financial Law Review
European Data Protection Law Review
European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
European Journal of Health Law
European Journal of Migration and Law
European Journal of Probation
European Journal of Risk Regulation
European Journal of Social Security
European Labour Law Journal
European Law Journal
European Papers: Journal on Law and Integration
European Policy Analysis
European Public Law
Family Court Review
Federal Probation
First Amendment Studies
Folia Theologica Et Canonica
Forensic Science Review
Forensische Psychiatrie Psychologie Kriminologie
Frontiers of Business Research In China
German Yearbook of International Law
Global Trade and Customs Journal
Goltdammer's Archiv für Strafrecht
Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review
Harvard Environmental Law Review
Harvard International Law Journal
Human Affairs
Human Rights Review
Human Service Organizations Management Leadership & Governance
Icsid Review
Index. Quaderni camerti di studi romanistici - International Survey of Roman Law
Indiana Law Journal
Information And Communications Technology Law
Information Polity
International Commentary on Evidence
International Criminal Justice Review
International Criminal Law Review
International Journal of Conflict and Violence
International Journal of Cyber Criminology
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
International Journal of Evidence and Proof
International Journal of Human Rights
International Journal of Law and Management
International Journal of Law Crime and Justice
International Journal of Law in Context
International Journal of Law Policy and the Family
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
International Journal of Prisoner Health
International Journal of Public Sector Management
International Journal of Refugee Law
International Journal of Technology Management
International Labour Review
International Organizations Law Review
International Review of Law, Computers and Technology
International Review of Public Administration
International Sports Law Journal
Intertax: European Tax Review
Iowa Law Review
Israel Law Review
Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law
Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling
Journal of Aggression Conflict And Peace Research
Journal of Applied Security Research: Prevention and Response In Asset Protection Terrorism and Violence
Journal of Arts Management Law And Society
Journal of Borderlands Studies
Journal of Childrens Services
Journal of Chinese Governance
Journal of Community Practice
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis
Journal of Comparative Politics
Journal of Conflict and Security Law
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
Journal of Corporate Law Studies
Journal of Criminal Justice Education
Journal of Criminal Psychology
Journal of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law and Society
Journal of Data and Information Science
Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Journal of European Consumer and Market Law
Journal of Family Trauma Child Custody & Child Development
Journal of Financial Crime
Journal of Fluorescence
Journal of Gender-Based Violence
Journal of Human Rights
Journal of Human Rights and Social Work
Journal of Human Rights and The Environment
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development
Journal of Intellectual Property Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
Journal of International Criminal Justice
Journal of Juristic Papyrology
Journal of Law and Religion
Journal of Law and Society
Journal of Law, Finance and Accounting
Journal of Legal Medicine
Journal of Library Administration
Journal of Medical Ethics and History Of Medicine
Journal of Money Laundering Control
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
Journal of Public Affairs Education
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law
Journal of the History of International Law
Journal of Tort Law
Journal of Transportation Security
Journal of Value Inquiry
Juristische Rundschau
Juvenile And Family Court Journal
Law and Critique
Law and Development Review
Law and Ethics of Human Rights
Law and History Review
Law and Philosophy
Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals
Law Probability and Risk
Legal Issues of Economic Integration
Legal Studies
Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology
Medical Law International
Medicine Science and the Law
Mezhdunarodnye Processy
Michigan Law Review
Middle East Law and Governance: an Interdisciplinary Journal
Minnesota Law Review
MMR - Zeitschrift für IT-Recht und Recht der Digitalisierung
Nationalities Papers
Natural Resources Journal
Netherlands International Law Review
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
Neue Zeitschrift Fűr Strafrecht
New York University Law Review
Nispacee Journal of Public Administration and Policy
Nonprofit Policy Forum
Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business
Northwestern University Law Review
Notre Dame Law Review
Nuclear Law Bulletin
Ocean Development and International Law
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Partner Abuse
Perspectives on Terrorism
Politics and Governance
Politics in Central Europe
Presidential Studies Quarterly
Problems and Perspectives in Management
Psl Quarterly Review
Psychiatry Psychology and Law
Public Administration and Development
Public Budgeting and Finance
Public Law
Public Money and Management
Public Organization Review: A Global Journal
Public Policy and Administration
Publius - The Journal of Federalism
Quaderni Costituzionali
Rassegna Italiana di criminologia
Regional Research of Russia
Residential Treatment for Children And Youth
Res Publica: a Journal of Moral Legal And Social Philosophy
Review of Policy Research
Revista Brasileira de direito processual penal
Revista Catalana de dret public
Revista Chilena de derecho y tecnologia
Revista científica General José María Córdova
Revista de Administracao Publica
Revista de Administratie Si Management Public / Administration And Public Management Review
Revista de Derecho Politico
Revista de Derecho Privado (Bogota)
Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos
Revista de Estudos Empíricos em Direito
Revista de Investigacoes Constitucionais
Revista Derecho del Estado
Revista Espanola de Derecho Constitucional
Revista Espanola de la Transparencia
Revue Francaise d'administration Publique
Revue Internationale des Droits de L Antiquite
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Europeen
Revus: European Constitutionality Review
Russian Law Journal
Safer Communities
Science and Public Policy
Scienze Regionali: Sr / Italian Journal of Regional Science
Security Journal
Seminarios Complutenses de Derecho Romano. Revista Internacional de Derecho Romano y Tradición Romanística
Settler Colonial Studies
South African Journal of Bioethics And Law
Southern California Law Review
State Crime
Statistics and Public Policy
Studia et Documenta Historiae Et Iuris
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
Studies in Social Justice
Teaching Public Administration
Terra Economicus
Texas Law Review
The Journal of Adult Protection
Transforming Government: People Process and Policy
Transnational Legal Theory
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences
Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice
UCLA Law Review
University Of Toronto Law Journal
Utrecht Law Review
Vanderbilt Law Review
Washington Quarterly
Wiro Wirtschaft Und Recht In Osteuropa
Women And Criminal Justice
Yale Journal on Regulation
Zeitschrift für Europäisches Sozial- und Arbeitsrecht
Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht
Zeitschrift fűr Rechtspolitik